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Workpower: Skills for Getting & Keeping Jobs

Created thanks to funding from Ability Central.

The Workpower lessons below are developed with and presented by people with disabilities and show how to use and practice social-emotional safety skills to prevent and solve common problems with coworkers, supervisors, customers, and potential employers.

Lessons with Roleplays

Click on an image to view that content. (Login first.)

Each topic includes a skills lesson with a roleplay practice script. Some also have a bonus roleplay.

Chats near workspace

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 Practice script
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Bonus scripts

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Bonus resources

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Lessons in Production

(Roleplays Only - No Context)

We are looking for presenters to put each of these roleplays into context.
If you or someone you work with is interested in presenting a Workpower lesson, please let us know at safety@kidpower.org

The audio for these roleplays has not yet been balanced.

Loved one keeps calling

Needs presenter
 Script coming soon

Speak up for accessibility

Needs presenter
 Script coming soon
Small text label

Angry customer at work 

Needs presenter
 Script coming soon

Angry customer after hours

Needs presenter
 Script coming soon

From Unaware to Aware

Needs presenter
 Script coming soon

Upcoming topics

Needs presenter
  See more topics
Small text label

More Workplace Safety Topics Are Being Added

Tell us which safety topics are important to you


  • Speaking up for positive environment
  • Angry, yelling coworker
  • Messy coworker
  • Pressures to lie or steal
  • Intrusive personal questions
  • Asking for help to complete a task

Bosses & supervisors

  • Asking for too many things at once
  • Talks too fast
  • After hours work request
  • Name-calling
  • Getting feedback
  • Speaking up for what I need


  • Mocking customer
  • Upset, yelling customer
  • Finding an unexpected mess
  • Helping a lost child

Job coaches

  • Standing too close
  • Disrespectful behavior
  • Speaking up for what I need

Getting & keeping jobs

  • Preparing for an interview
  • Self-care before, after, during work
  • Change negative self-talk
  • Learning the work rules & policies
  • Safety traveling to & from work

Loved ones & work

  • A friend asks for free stuff
  • Loved one keeps calling

Tell us what you need

What's included in this program?

More safety for yourself and others

People of all ages with communication challenges preparing for the workforce, looking or holding a job can learn and practice ‘People Safety’ skills through a series of short lessons – which includes captioned videos, skills applied in real-life, as well as guidance for step-by-step skills practices.

'People Safety' Skills

Learn important skills you can use right away to help you — or a person you support, make a problem better instead of bigger, have better communication and healthier relationships at work.

Hands On Practices

Workpower can help you practice your Safetypower skills so these skills become safety habits and help you and the people you care about lead happier, safer lives when at work.
We are grateful for the generous support of Ability Central, formerly known as the Disability Communications Fund (DCF). They have been making grants and collaborating with community leaders to improve communication and information access for people with disabilities since 2010.

Ability Central's mission is to serve as an educator, convener, and resource that works collaboratively to ensure communications and information access in service of individuals who are D/deaf or disabled.
Learn more about our funder:
Visit their web site

We are grateful to our organizational partners

Thank you to our organizational partners, working for and with people with disabilities, for their meaningful support to our Workpower Ambassadors, the people at the heart of our Workpower video lessons.

Detailed Program Overview

expand a lesson & Click on a learning unit to view it (Log in first)
meet our workpower advisory council
Workpower Advisor
Workpower Advisor
Workpower Advisor
Workpower Advisor
Workpower Advisor
Workpower Advisor
Meet the Safetypowers founder

Irene van der Zande

Irene van der Zande is the Founder and Executive Director of Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International and all its programs, including Safetypowers and Workpower.

Since 1989, Irene’s talented leadership and collaboration have earned Kidpower an outstanding reputation worldwide for developing, organizing, and presenting high quality child protection, positive communication, advocacy, self-defense, and personal safety programs and curriculums for everyone, everywhere.
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meet our production team
Erika Leonard
California Program Director
Kidpower International
Irene van der Zande
Executive Director
Kidpower International
Marylaine Léger
Online Programs Director
Kidpower International

Sol Pederson

Technical Specialist
Kidpower International

Clara Gyhrs

Technical Specialist
Kidpower International

Colin Léger Meilleur
Technical Specialist
Kidpower International
Eamon Saki
Product Manager
Kidpower International

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