Kidpower Confident Kids
Safety Lessons Workbook

Social-Emotional Skills for Children & Youth

Prepare children to take charge of their emotional and physical safety with peers, acquaintances and strangers with these 15 ‘People Safety’ Group Lessons, with cartoon illustrations.

Also available in Spanish

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The Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons provide 15 social-emotional “People Safety’ lessons to enable children and youth to prevent and solve problems with people; develop safe and strong relationships, and take charge of their safety. The Positive Peer Lessons help to stop bullying – and to create cultures of safety and respect in families, schools, and youth organizations.
This resource helps teachers and other staff integrate teaching Kidpower safety strategies and skills into their daily activities. The Positive Peer lessons are especially important in creating a common language with students to help prevent bullying.
- Director of Montessori School of Santa Cruz County

Table of Contents

  • Lesson 1: Awareness, Calm, Respect, and Confidence
  • Lesson 2: Use Our Positive Power to Make Safe Choices
  • Lesson 3: Check and Think First
  • Lesson 4: Move Away from Trouble and Out of Reach
  • Lesson 5: Make a Safety Plan and Get Help
  • Lesson 6: Set Powerful, Respectful Boundaries
  • Lesson 7: Safety Rules About Private Areas
  • Lesson 8: Positive Peer Relationships to Prevent Bullying
  • Lesson 9: Kidpower Safety Signals for 12 Positive Power Skills
  • Lesson 10: Getting Help and The Difference Between Tattling and Telling
  • Lesson 11: Shunning and Leaving People Out
  • Lesson 12: Unkind Teasing, Mean Jokes and Insults
  • Lesson 13: Gossip and Electronic Aggresion (Cyberbullying)
  • Lesson 14: Bullying by Scaring or Hurting Someone
  • Lesson 15: Working Out Problems to Be Safer and Have More Fun

Pricing options

 Price per person

$10 USD per person if you wish to enroll on your own. Use the contact form below to request a discount code that will allow you to enroll at a reduced price.

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 Group rate

Use the contact form below to request a custom quote for your situation. Please tell us how many people and locations (sites) you wish to include in your enrollment.

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Kidpower Confident Kids
Safety Lessons Workbook

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Social-Emotional Skills for Children & Youth

Prepare children to take charge of their emotional and physical safety with peers, acquaintances and strangers with these 15 ‘People Safety’ Group Lessons, with cartoon illustrations.
The Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons provide 15 social-emotional “People Safety’ lessons to enable children and youth to prevent and solve problems with people; develop safe and strong relationships, and take charge of their safety. 
The Positive Peer Lessons help to stop bullying – and to create cultures of safety and respect in families, schools, and youth organizations.

Learn people safety skills

Stay safe with our feelings, word, and bodies

Prevent bullying

Table of contents

Adaptations for Learning Differences

Lesson 1: Awareness, Calm, Respect, and Confidence

  • Open Up Instead of Closing Down
  • Stay Aware of Your Surroundings
  • Act Respectful Instead of Angry or Upset
  • Act Confident Instead of Scared or Worried

Lesson 2: Use Our Positive Power to Make Safe Choices

  • Use The Kidpower Trash Can
  • Use The Mini Trash Can
  • Use The Imagination And Flip Top Trash Can
  • Take Charge of Safety
  • Ask For What You Want and Walk Away From Trouble
  • Feel One Way And Act Another
  • Get Help and Be Helpful

Lesson 3: Check and Think First

  • When to Move Away and Check First
  • Check First Even if Someone Seems Familiar
  • You are More Important Than Your Things
  • Put Safety First

Lesson 4: Move Away From Trouble and Out of Reach

  • Move Out of Reach
  • Set a Boundary and Leave

Lesson 5: Make a Safety Plan and Get Help

  • Know Your Safety Plan
  • Know How to Get Help Everywhere You Go
  • Figure Out Who to Tell About a Safety Problem
  • Be Persistent in Getting Help
  • Keep Asking Until You Get Help

Lesson 6: Set Powerful, Respectful Boundaries

  • Boundary Safety Rules with People You Know
  • Problems Should Not be Secrets
  • The Kidpower Consent Checklist
  • Stop Unwanted Touch
  • Set Boundaries Even if Someone Doesn't Listen
  • Set Boundaries Even if Someone Gets Upset
  • Tell An Emergency Lie and Break An Unsafe Promise

Lesson 7: Safety Rules About Private Areas

  • Safety Rules About Private Areas
  • Touch Should Never Be A Secret
  • If Someone Breaks the Safety Rules About Private Areas

Lesson 8: Positive Peer Relationships to Prevent Bullying

  • Safety First to Avoid Trouble
  • Safety First to Be Fair
  • What Does It Mean to Be Passive?
  • What Does It Mean to Be Aggressive?
  • What Does It Mean to Be Assertive?

Lesson 9: Kidpower Safety Signals for 12 Positive Power Skills

  • Awareness, Confidence, and Think First Powers
  • Calm Down, Trash Can, and Heart Powers
  • Hands and Feet Down, Mouth Closed, and Speak Up Powers
  • Walk Away, Stop, and Get Help Powers

Lesson 10: Getting Help and The Difference Between Tattling and Telling

  • Getting Help to Be Safe
  • Tattling To Get Someone in Trouble
  • Telling To Keep Everyone Safe
  • Keep Asking Even If the Adult in Charge is Annoyed

Lesson 11: Shunning and Leaving People Out

  • Shunning Hurts
  • Ask To Be Included
  • Leave and Find Someone Else
  • Be a Leader for Respect Instead of a Bystander to Bullying
  • Work Problems Out Instead of Leaving People Out

Lesson 12: Unkind Teasing, Mean Jokes and Insults

  • Put-Down Jokes are Not Funny
  • Speak Up When a Joke Hurts Your Feelings
  • Deliberate Insults Are Cruel
  • Throw Insults Into Your Kidpower Trash Can
  • Tripping Someone On Purpose is Bullying
  • Move Out of Reach Using Your Walk Away Power
  • Protecting Yourself with Stop Power
  • Be a Leader to Help Keep Everyone Safe

Lesson 13: Gossip and Electronic Aggression (Cyberbullying)

  • Saying Mean Things Behind Someone's Back is Bullying
  • Speak Up For Yourself
  • Spread Kind Remarks Instead of Hurtful Gossip
  • Using Technology to Upset Someone is Cyberbullying
  • Speak Up to Stop Others From Cyberbullying
  • What To Do If You Get Cyberbullied

Lesson 14: Bullying By Scaring or Hurting Someone

  • Threatening Harm
  • Tell Someone To Stop
  • Use Walk Away Power
  • Lie to Get Out of an Unsafe Situation
  • Yell for Help to Stop an Attack
  • Get Adult Help to Protect Yourself
  • Speak Up to Protect Others
  • Get Adult Help to Stop Violence

Lesson 15: Working Out Problems to Be Safer and Have More Fun

  • The Soda Bottle Effect
  • Positive Boundary-Setting Recipe for Healthy Relationships
  • Please Stop Power and Listening Power
  • Throw Away Insults and Take In Useful Information
  • Express Appreciation
  • Appreciation Power

Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Awareness, Calm, Respect, and Confidence

  • Open Up Instead of Closing Down
  • Stay Aware of Your Surroundings
  • Act Respectful Instead of Angry or Upset
  • Act Confident Instead of Scared or Worried

Lesson 2: Use Our Positive Power to Make Safe Choices

  • Use The Kidpower Trash Can
  • Use The Mini Trash Can
  • Use The Imagination And Flip Top Trash Can
  • Take Charge of Safety
  • Ask For What You Want and Walk Away From Trouble
  • Feel One Way And Act Another
  • Get Help and Be Helpful

Lesson 3: Check and Think First

  • When to Move Away and Check First
  • Check First Even if Someone Seems Familiar
  • You are More Important Than Your Things
  • Put Safety First

Lesson 4: Move Away From Trouble and Out of Reach

  • Move Out of Reach
  • Set a Boundary and Leave

Lesson 5: Make a Safety Plan and Get Help

  • Know Your Safety Plan
  • Know How to Get Help Everywhere You Go
  • Figure Out Who to Tell About a Safety Problem
  • Be Persistent in Getting Help
  • Keep Asking Until You Get Help

Lesson 6: Set Powerful, Respectful Boundaries

  • Boundary Safety Rules with People You Know
  • Problems Should Not be Secrets
  • The Kidpower Consent Checklist
  • Stop Unwanted Touch
  • Set Boundaries Even if Someone Doesn't Listen
  • Set Boundaries Even if Someone Gets Upset
  • Tell An Emergency Lie and Break An Unsafe Promise

Lesson 7: Safety Rules About Private Areas

  • Safety Rules About Private Areas
  • Touch Should Never Be A Secret
  • If Someone Breaks the Safety Rules About Private Areas

Lesson 8: Positive Peer Relationships to Prevent Bullying

  • Safety First to Avoid Trouble
  • Safety First to Be Fair
  • What Does It Mean to Be Passive?
  • What Does It Mean to Be Aggressive?
  • What Does It Mean to Be Assertive?

Lesson 9: Kidpower Safety Signals for 12 Positive Power Skills

  • Awareness, Confidence, and Think First Powers
  • Calm Down, Trash Can, and Heart Powers
  • Hands and Feet Down, Mouth Closed, and Speak Up Powers
  • Walk Away, Stop, and Get Help Powers

Lesson 10: Getting Help and The Difference Between Tattling and Telling

  • Getting Help to Be Safe
  • Tattling To Get Someone in Trouble
  • Telling To Keep Everyone Safe
  • Keep Asking Even If the Adult in Charge is Annoyed

Lesson 11: Shunning and Leaving People Out

  • Shunning Hurts
  • Ask To Be Included
  • Leave and Find Someone Else
  • Be a Leader for Respect Instead of a Bystander to Bullying
  • Work Problems Out Instead of Leaving People Out

Lesson 12: Unkind Teasing, Mean Jokes and Insults

  • Put-Down Jokes are Not Funny
  • Speak Up When a Joke Hurts Your Feelings
  • Deliberate Insults Are Cruel
  • Throw Insults Into Your Kidpower Trash Can
  • Tripping Someone On Purpose is Bullying
  • Move Out of Reach Using Your Walk Away Power
  • Protecting Yourself with Stop Power
  • Be a Leader to Help Keep Everyone Safe

Lesson 13: Gossip and Electronic Aggression (Cyberbullying)

  • Saying Mean Things Behind Someone's Back is Bullying
  • Speak Up For Yourself
  • Spread Kind Remarks Instead of Hurtful Gossip
  • Using Technology to Upset Someone is Cyberbullying
  • Speak Up to Stop Others From Cyberbullying
  • What To Do If You Get Cyberbullied

Lesson 14: Bullying By Scaring or Hurting Someone

  • Threatening Harm
  • Tell Someone To Stop
  • Use Walk Away Power
  • Lie to Get Out of an Unsafe Situation
  • Yell for Help to Stop an Attack
  • Get Adult Help to Protect Yourself
  • Speak Up to Protect Others
  • Get Adult Help to Stop Violence

Lesson 15: Working Out Problems to Be Safer and Have More Fun

  • The Soda Bottle Effect
  • Positive Boundary-Setting Recipe for Healthy Relationships
  • Please Stop Power and Listening Power
  • Throw Away Insults and Take In Useful Information
  • Express Appreciation
  • Appreciation Power
Kathy Rideout, Director of Montessori School of Santa Cruz County
"This resource helps teachers and other staff integrate teaching Kidpower safety strategies and skills into their daily activities. The Positive Peer lessons are especially important in creating a common language with students to help prevent bullying.”

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Kidpower Children’s Safety Comics Color Edition
Kidpower Protection Promise Poster – Younger Safety Comics
Kidpower motto poster to help prevent bullying
Face bullying with confidence course

Pricing Options

 Price per person

$10 USD per person if you wish to enroll on your own. Use the contact form below to request a discount code that will allow you to enroll at a reduced price.

Need more financial support?

 Group rate

Use the contact form below to request a custom quote for your situation. Please tell us how many people and locations (sites) you wish to include in your enrollment.

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Need a custom quote?

Tell us what you need

How many people do you wish to enroll as a group in this resource?
NUMBER of locations
Tell us how many locations or sites are included in your agency | organization.
other Kidpower REsources or courses you are considering?
Are you looking at enrolling your group to a single resource or several of our offerings?
any other needs?
Anything else you think we should know to help provide you with a custom quote.
About the author

Irene van der Zande

Kidpower Founder and Executive Irene van der Zande is a master at teaching safety through stories and practices and at inspiring others to do the same. Her child protection and personal safety expertise has been featured by USA Today, CNN, Today Moms, the LA Times, and The Wall Street Journal. Publications include: cartoon-illustrated Kidpower Safety Comics and Kidpower Teaching Books curriculum; Bullying: What Adults Need to Know and Do to Keep Kids Safe; the Relationship Safety Skills Handbook for Teens and Adults; Earliest Teachable Moment: Personal Safety for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers; The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People, and the Amazon Best Seller Doing Right by Our Kids: Protecting Child Safety at All Levels.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Book Adaptation and Tech 

Meet the team that brought the Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons to life!
Amanda Golert
Kidpower Sweden Director
Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons: Illustrator
Marylaine Léger
Kidpower International Programs Director & Quebec Center Director
Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons: Co-Editor
Cornelia Baumgartner
Senior Program Leader, Trainer & Founder of Kidpower New Zealand
Mackenzie Mitchell
Kidpower International Technical & Office Specialist